Coaching services for high achieving women who want to redefine the meaning of success.

Tired of living life on a hamster wheel? Let’s create a life you’re excited to wake up to.

In theory, you’ve got what you need to be happy – so why don’t you feel that way?

You’re living up to others’ expectations of what your life should be like, but it doesn’t feel authentic or meaningful.

Life is a running checklist of what you should accomplish, like an endless to-do list for “success.”

You’re used to going with the flow to keep others happy – even at the expense of your own satisfaction and happiness.

You’re afraid to disappoint or hurt others, so you keep quiet even when it feels wrong.

If I had to guess, I’d say these thoughts are crossing your mind:

Pursuing others’ measures of success will only set you up for failure.

Feel the confidence to know and speak your truth

Do values-aligned work that feels meaningful and satisfying

Trust your intuition and inner knowledge

The good news is you have the power within you to build a fulfilling life – if you’re brave enough to rid yourself of external influences and find what matters to you.

Imagine what it’d be to…

I am your trusted advisor and accountability partner in building your dream life.

I’m a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with 24 years of experience in the field, including a long trajectory with the Department of Veteran Affairs, working primarily with seriously ill and seriously injured Veterans dealing with life alterning spinal cord injuries, visual impairments, and life ending Lou Gehrig’s Disease diagnoses.

A long-winding road led me from clinical social work to opening a private therapy practice in 2022. This newfound independence and the possibility to do work that deeply aligns with my values allowed me to fall in love with my life. Through my therapy and coaching services, I now have the freedom to work with women like me – like you – who know deep down that there’s more to life than checking boxes on a list. Women who want to let go of external motivators and create a life that’s inspiring and true to who they are.

I’m Heidi Bailey, Soul Success Coach & your personal cheerleader

hey there!

You’re used to holding yourself accountable to others. Now, your unique master plan for wholehearted prosperity brings your accountability inward. In order for you to wake up in the morning excited to do life, you have to be accountable to your Self first, and that includes falling in love with your Self and building a healthy relationship with your money. I am here to help you break the programming that drives you away from your personal FREEDOM and rewire it to bring you back to the most beautiful and badass YOU.

Step three

Live your wholehearted prosperity

 Knowing what you want and need is not enough; you need to act. That’s where 1:1 text/zoom coaching comes in – I’ll be there every step of the way to support and encourage you to take action. You can choose individual coaching sessions over zoom or more intensive packages that include daily 1:1 focused text coaching and zoom video sessions to empower you to start riding the waves of change toward your values-aligned prosperity picture.

step two

Align your what and your how

Whether you want to be an active participant in the group or stand back and watch the action, you are welcome. It's important to feel the energy in a space to know if it's right-aligned for you. In the Collective, there is no pressure or obligation to perform, you can just show up and then decide what is right for you. 

step one

Join the Wholehearted Prosperity Women’s Collective

Introducing the Wholehearted Prosperity Women’s Collective

My text/zoom coaching services will provide you with the tools to help you build your strategy and design the daily activities that will naturally move you into values alignment, help you fall in love with yourself, build a healthy relationship with your money, and dive wholeheartedly into your purpose. 

You have the answers inside of you. I am here to help you uncover them and step forward with the courage and confidence to bring them to life.

I believe you have the power to make this life your own and I want to partner with you to make that happen. Are you ready?

How about we dive right in?

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