No more following paths. It’s time to create your own.

I'm Heidi, a Soul Success Coach for Women and your personal cheerleader and accountability partner. 

Anyone on the outside looking in would think you have it all. A happy home, a thriving career, a beautiful family, and everything you need to consider yourself successful.

Like success is some kind of checklist you need to work your way through. The right square footage, the fancy title, or the picture-perfect partner.

But it all feels empty when it’s misaligned from what you know in your soul to be right for you.

I get it.

I’ve been there, too.

Do you have a nagging feeling that there’s got to be more than this?

Are you tired of feeling like your life is a reflection of everyone’s expectations of you? 

And I’ve lived many of the challenges you’re experiencing – cared for others while neglecting myself, focused on external validation, and chased foreign dreams.

After a long-winding road, I realized that I could create a life that excited me and nurtured my soul.

Now, I specialize in what I call Soul Success Coaching for women, an approach that mixes mindfulness and practical steps to help you strengthen your relationship with Self, Money and Business so that you can find alignment with your values and create a life you’re passionate about living.

I’m Heidi Bailey, a licensed therapist and clinical social worker with 20+ years of experience. 

more about me

You’re used to holding yourself accountable to others. Now, your unique master plan for wholehearted prosperity brings your accountability inward. In order for you to wake up in the morning excited to do life, you have to be accountable to your Self first, and that includes getting to know and accept the most beautiful, authentic, and imperfect YOU! I am here to help you break the programming that drives you away from your SELF and rewire it to bring you back to the most beautiful and badass YOU.

3) Find your wholehearted prosperity

Now that we know your why, it’s time to design a unique master plan for wholehearted prosperity that includes your what – your prosperity picture – and your how – where we close the gap between knowledge and action. Because knowing what you need is not enough; you need to act. That’s where 1:1 text coaching comes in – I’ll be there every step of the way to support and encourage you to take action.

2) Align your what and your how

Learn more about the high-vibe tribe and join here.  Then, book your free 30-minute strategy video call to see whether 1:1 text coaching is right for your unique journey toward wholehearted prosperity. During this call, we will get to know your why – “why are you ready for to start living life for YOU?”

1) Join the (free) Wholehearted Prosperity Women’s Collective

It’s time to stop holding yourself back and overcome the discomfort that’s preventing you from living life to your fullest potential.

A brighter future awaits you

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