Ready to bring your dream visions to reality?

1:1 Text/zoom coaching that helps you break free.

Let your values guide your actions

Heal your relationship with your Self and your Money

Be unapologetically you

  • Abandoning your own wants and needs in favor of others.
  • Having difficulty even identifying what those are because you’ve been so focused on everyone else.
  • And chances are you feel completely overwhelmed at the thought of making space to start figuring it all out.


If you feel disconnected and resentful in your relationships, wondering if there is more to life than “this,” you may be:

Tired of making yourself small to make others happy?

I’ve Been There, Too.

Somewhere along the way, I realized that there was a better way to do things. I realized that the true meaning of life comes from my own inner knowledge, and only by realizing it was I able to feel authentically fulfilled.

Now, I want to help you achieve the same. I specialize in Soul Success Coaching, an approach that combines everyday tools and mindfulness practices to help you get to know yourself, align your actions and values, and heal your relationship with your Money so you can first design and then step powerfully into the life you’re excited to wake up to.

If you’re tired of chasing a picture-perfect life that doesn’t speak to you, there is a better way.

I, too, understand what it is like to try to live up to others’ expectations and chase dreams that don’t seem to match what I know deep down is best for me.

I devoted a big part of my life & career to helping others feel better and putting their needs first.

Everything you need to design a life aligned with your values and deepest desires is right inside of you.

The only person you need to please is you.

Now, the Wholehearted Prosperity Women’s Collective is a safe space for you to engage with like-minded, high-frequency women who are on the same self-discovery journey. This free community will provide you with support, guidance and valuable resources to move in the direction of wholehearted prosperity.

Because the road may be tough – but oh, so worth it! And, having a space with other growth-motivated women doing the work alongside you can make a world of difference in creating the right-aligned life you love living.

How, you ask?

I’m not here to give you answers because those answers are already within you. Instead, this community provides you with the inspiration and support as you work to build a life based on your individual goals, so that you can live a life aligned with your values, learn to trust and fall in love with yourself, find fulfilling ways to meet your needs and heal your relationship with money.

Introducing the Wholehearted Prosperity Women’s Collective

You’re used to holding yourself accountable to others. Now, your unique master plan for wholehearted prosperity brings your accountability inward. In order for you to wake up in the morning excited to do life, you have to be accountable to your Self first, and that includes falling in love with your Self and building a healthy relationship with your money. I am here to help you break the programming that drives you away from your SELF and rewire it to bring you back to the most beautiful and badass YOU.

Step three

Find your wholehearted prosperity

 Knowing what you want and need is not enough; you need to act. That’s where 1:1 text/zoom coaching comes in – I’ll be there every step of the way to support and encourage you to take action. You can choose individual coaching sessions over zoom or more intensive packages that include daily 1:1 focused text coaching and zoom video sessions to empower you to start riding the waves of change toward your values-aligned prosperity picture.

step two

Align your what and your how

Whether you want to be an active participant in the group or stand back and watch the action, you are welcome. It's important to feel the energy in a space to know if it's right-aligned for you. In the Collective, there is no pressure or obligation to perform, you can just show up and then decide what is right for you. 

step one

Join the Wholehearted Prosperity Women’s Collective

Your why. The first step to Wholehearted Prosperity is discovering why re-connecting to what matters most, well, matters to you. 

Your what. The second step is designing your prosperity picture – what you’re dream life looks and feels like.

Your how. Finally, these are the tangible actions that close the gap between your current state and where you want to be. Through daily (M-F) texts and weekly 45 min zoom video sessions, we will explore any hang-ups, work through the presenting barriers, and reinforce your wins through celebration.

1:1 Text/Zoom Coaching can help you clarify:

IF YOU ARE READY FOR CHANGE TO HAPPEN, you can choose 1:1 text/ZOOM coaching, where I will provide you with ongoing support, tools and resources to bring your life from dream to reality.

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